2024 Fall Tours with Lunch

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3 Ways to Grow SunPatiens

If you come to the farm, you’ll notice that I’ve planted SunPatiens just about anywhere I could. They are low-maintenance and grow in sun or shade. If you follow a few simple growing tips, your SunPatiens will flourish!

SunPatiens in baskets and containers:

  • Plant in well-drained soil if you are re-potting into larger containers or baskets.Sunpatiens Impatiens
  • Incorporate a slow-release fertilizer at half the label rates into the soil (if the soil you are using does not already contain fertilizer).
  • An alternative way to fertilize is to apply water-soluble fertilizer at one-third the label rates, as needed; do not over fertilize.
  • Place containers or baskets in full sun or shade.
  • Water plants well after planting and keep the media evenly moist until plants are established (7-10 days).
  • If plants wilt after they are established, simply water well and they should revive within 24 hours.
  • New leaves and new flowers will cover old blooms, so you don’t need to remove old flowers or cut off older growth.
  • In most cases, SunPatiens should not be cut back to control size, as it alters their natural form.

Sunpatiens ImpatiensSunPatiens in the garden:

  • Plant in well-drained soil rich in organic matter, such as compost.
  • Incorporate a slow-release fertilizer at half the label rates into the soil when you plant.
  • An alternative way to fertilize is to apply water-soluble fertilizer at one-third the label rates, as needed; do not over fertilize.
  • Plant in full sun or shade.
  • Water plants well after planting and keep the media evenly moist until plants are established (7-10 days).
  • If plants wilt after they are established, simply water well and they should revive within 24 hours.
  • In most cases, SunPatiens should not be cut back to control size as it alters their natural form; but, if Vigorous types get taller than desired in mid- to late summer, they can be cut back, taking off the top one-third of growth.