2024 Fall Tours with Lunch

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Lemon Thyme Groundcover

I like to use herbs in interesting and different ways and lemon thyme is an herb that is terrific for more than just the herb garden.

For instance, it’s a great groundcover for areas where you need something decorative and interesting. The only requirement is that the soil must be well-drained. At the Garden Home Retreat I planted lemon thyme in a long, narrow bed under an espaliered apple tree. What a knockout.

To harvest thyme, all you have to do is take a pair of scissors and just shear off the tips.

Not only can you use lemon thyme in a lot of ways in the garden, but it’s versatile in the kitchen too! In the summer, I use it season roasted chicken. And new potatoes? It’s a must have.

You know, what’s so great about herbs is that you can use them in so many ways to give life a little more flavor. Pick up some herbs and have some fun.