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Perennial Plants That Keep Deer Away from Your Garden

There are several ways to deter deer from trampling through your garden. I cover some of them here, but today we’ll focus on a favorite—plants! This list may not hold true 100 percent of the time, but most of the time these plants will send deer running for the hills and away from your fruits and veggies.

Incorporate these plants in or near your garden to keep deer away.

Textured Plants for Keeping Deer Away

Rough, bristle-like textures are off-putting to deer, so give these plants a try.

Ornamental grasses:

Blue Whiskers Grass

All Gold Hakone Grass

Blue Oat Grass

Big Twister Rush Grass

Black Mondo Grass

Blue Paradise Bluestem

Snow Cap Grass

Purple Flame Grass

Giant Miscanthus Grass

Little Miss Bicolor Grass

Northwind Switch Grass

Mexi Grass

Gunsmoke Switch Grass


Hens & Chicks

Hopewell Hen & Chicks

Hopewell Hen & Chicks

Killer Hen & Chicks

Kimono Hen & Chicks

Peggy Hen & Chicks

Red Rubin Hen & Chicks

Silver King Hen & Chicks

Summer Pastels Yarrow

Summer Pastels Yarrow



Fragrant Plants for Keeping Deer Away

Most herbs, such as rosemary, oregano, mint, lavender, and sage.

Blue Jean Baby Sage

Russian Sage:

Blue Jean Baby Sage


Purrsian Blue Catmint


Kitten Around Catmint



Blue Moon BeeBalm

Bubblegum Blast BeeBalm

Cherry Pops BeeBalm

Grape Gumball BeeBalm

Lilac Lollipop BeeBalm


Plants That Are Toxic To Deer

Deer’s instincts should keep them away from these plants that are toxic to them.

Bleeding Hearts:

Aurora Bleeding Heart

Bacchanal Bleeding Heart

Breathtaking Bleeding Heart

White Old Fashion Bleeding Heart

Valentine Bleeding Heart

Old Fashion Bleeding Heart



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