2025 Spring Tours with Lunch

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Seed Bombs Away

Move over bath bombs, the new trend in earthy, self-indulgence is the seed bomb. Often called guerrilla gardening, seed bombs are made for areas where you’d like to add color but can’t easily cultivate because of fences or other blockages. These bombs would be best employed — or deployed — in the neglected flower beds and street planters of your community. You could also attack a forgotten section of your neighborhood with one, but you didn’t hear that from us.

The idea is to pack an array of seeds into a ball with all the things they’d need to get started on their journey. The casing of clay will protect the seeds from birds and insects. It also soaks up rain and dew, allowing the seeds to germinate and prepare for their transformation into seedlings. The compost gives them the nutrients they need to grow. Seed bombs work best when “planted”  — tossed somewhere casually — in early spring or fall, so the April showers can help them do their work.

They’re perfect for your newbie gardeners, as it gives them a sense of accomplishment and might even encourage them to progress to the next level of gardening. Creating seed bombs is simple and easy. And if you’ve ever made truffles or cake balls, this may feel eerily similar.


How to Make Seed Bombs

3 parts of natural clay; can be found at art stores

5 parts compost

1 part wildflower seeds – you can use a pre-made wildflower seed mix


Start with 1 handful of seeds. Add the 5 parts of compost and mix well.

Add the 3 parts of clay and mix thoroughly.

Add small amounts of water, mix until consistency is similar to biscuit dough.

Grab a chunk, and roll in your hand until round and smooth, and truffle sized. Air dry in a warm dry place; preferably overnight. Once dry they can be stored for a few weeks in a cool, dark place.