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Peace Lily Care

What should I know to care for a peace lily plant? The plant that I have has sentimental value so I would appreciate your advice.

When it comes to houseplants, the number of questions I receive about peace lilies (Spathiphyllim) tops the list. Peace lilies are popular plants to give as a memorial and often have sentimental value, which is why so many gardeners are eager to learn the specifics about their care.

The good news is that these plants are very easy to maintain. Here are a few tips to keep your peace lily happy and healthy.

  • Peace lilies are a tropical plant and prefer a warm environment, don’t let room temperatures fall below 40 degrees F or the plant may not survive. Daytime temperatures between 68 to 85 degrees F and night temperatures around 58 to 75 degrees F are ideal. Also, be sure and keep your plant out of cold drafts.
  • The plant should be placed in a location with bright, filtered light. Direct light may burn the leaves.
  • When it comes to water, the soil should be moist but never soggy. Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering, but don’t wait until the leaves wilt because this may cause them to turn yellow. It is also advisable that the water be at room temperature to prevent shock to the roots.
  • A telltale sign of over fertilizing is brown leaves. Feed your peace lily every 2 to 3 months during the growing season. Use an all-purpose liquid fertilizer that has been diluted to half strength.
  • Repot your peace lily every 2 to 3 years. Spring is the best time to do this. Use a quality commercial soil blend to ensure good drainage.
  • If the plant is reluctant to flower, try reducing the light to encourage blooms.
  • One last tip is clean the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to help the plant breathe. Wipe both the upper and lower sides of the leaves to remove dust and pests such as spider mites, mealy bugs and scale.