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10 Great Garden Blogs

No one will ever accuse me of being tech savvy so the fact that I’m just learning about blogs won’t surprise many people. In
case you are new to the term too a blog or web log is an online journal where writers post articles about their choice of topic.
A blogger is the author of a blog. One interesting characteristic about blogs is that they are usually connected to other blogs
and authors creating a community of people interested in the same subject.

The good news for us gardeners is that there is a wealth of sites devoted to growing all manner of plants in a wide variety of
environments. We can get a first-hand account of what it’s like to grow tomatoes in the desert or how to protect roses from
harsh winters. Because garden blogs are written by real people, the articles are full of personality making them not only
informative but a good read too.

Here’s a list of great garden blogs to follow this year. Bookmark these sites for whenever you need inspiration, how-to
information or just to reassure yourself that you’re not alone in your love of gardening.

Garden Blogs

  1. Gardening Gone Wild

    Gardening Gone Wild

    This is a collaboration of four gardeners with guest posts. Good blog to visit for garden design ideas for various areas of the country.

  2. Mr. Brown Thumb

    Mr Brown Thumb

    This is a how-to blog with good photos to illustrate the ideas. The casual language and sometimes self-deprecating humor
    make the posts enjoyable as well as informative. Mr. Brown Thumb hosts a #seedchat on Twitter if you want to talk seeds
    with other gardeners. Check it out on Wednesday nights at 9 pm EST.

  3. Central Florida Garden

    This blogger writes from DeLand, Florida, which is about 45 minutes northeast of Orlando. Michael’s garden is in zone 9, a
    transitional zone for tropicals and temperate growing conditions. It’s a great site to visit if you live in a cold climate
    and want to experience vegetable gardening in winter.

  4. The Yarden

    On a recent trip to Chicago, I met the writer of The Yarden at The Peterson Garden Project community garden. It is the site of an original
    WWII Victory Garden. The Yarden blog is a must read for anyone interested in growing their own fruits, herbs and vegetables either in a
    community garden or at home. Good bits of garden history too.

  5. The Casual Gardener

    This is a great blog for learning about mixing ornamental and edible plants. Shawna writes from her own front-yard vegetable garden
    in Illinois. In addition to gardening she posts recipes and tips on saving money by living green.

  6. Seasonal Wisdom

    A good all-purpose blog with a leaning toward edibles. She co-hosts a podcast on aHa!
    Garden and Home
    called Nest in Style. Teresa gardens in Idaho.

  7. Farmgirl Fare

    This farm girl writes her blog from a 240-acre farm in Missouri. The blog is a mix of gardening, recipes and animal talk. It’s totally worth checking out for the daily “dose of cute” photos from the farm.

  8. Life on the Balcony

    With a name like Fern you just have to be into gardening. This is the go-to blog if you only have a small space to work
    with. Fern writes about gardening on her balcony in Los Angeles. Lots of good info on container gardening, space-saving
    measures and raised beds.

  9. Good Enough Gardening

    This blog is actually a podcast hosted by the author of Grocery Gardening and the author of the Horticulture magazine blog, Kiss My
    Aster. Jean Ann and Amanda have taken me on as their “Junior Correspondent,” and I occasionally have a guest spot on
    their podcast. It’s a lot of fun, with some off-color language and good gardening information.

  10. BG Garden Blog

    Bren writes from her Midwestern country garden in zone 5b. She posts a good mix of garden and cooking articles. Bren also hosts #gardenchat on Twitter every Monday night at 9 pm EST.

Good to Know: Tips for Following Bloggers


  • RSS Feeds

    Many garden blogs have RSS feeds you can subscribe to. These lists will keep you up to date on new posts. Look for a button that reads “RSS Feed” or “Subscribe” or
    an orange square like this:

  • Twitter

    Use Twitter for a daily dose of your favorite garden bloggers and to learn about new posts to their blogs. It’s a great social media site for finding other
    gardeners who dig the same bloggers you do. Twitter is the place where you can participate in virtual gatherings like #seedchat and #gardenchat. Check out
    the site to learn more.

  • Facebook

    Be sure to “Like” or “Friend” bloggers on Facebook to see photos and updates on their gardens. It’s fun to read posts and comments to get a gardening perspective from all over the country.