2024 Fall Tours with Lunch

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NectarinesIt’s not often that during a fine-dining experience, you overhear the shout of “Play ball!” and then the cheer of a large crowd, but that’s just the way it is at Ump’s Pump and Grill located inside Dickey-Stephens Ballpark in North Little Rock. AR. Ump’s Chef Ben Brainard, shared a summertime menu item that is especially popular – grilled nectarines with blue cheese and honey.

This appetizer can be made on the grill or in the kitchen. The key is fresh nectarines. In season nectarines are naturally sweet and don’t need much preparation. This recipe just makes them a little bit tastier.


  • Fresh Nectarines
  • Olive Oil
  • Gorgonzola Cheese
  • Honey
  • Freshly Ground Black Pepper


  1. Cut nectarines in half and remove the pit.
  2. Brush the cut side of each nectarine half with olive oil.
  3. This will help caramelize the nectarine and bring out the natural sweet flavor.
  4. Grill.
  5. Place grilled nectarines on a serving platter.
  6. Top with Gorgonzola.
  7. Drizzle with honey and season with black pepper.