2024 Fall Tours with Lunch
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If you are one of those people who is into fiery red, crocosima ‘Lucifer’ is the plant for you. Wands of eye popping, orange-red blooms are outstanding in the late season garden. Crocosmia is a perennial that grows from a bulb-like structure called a corm. You can usually find the corms in stores and mail order catalogs in spring for planting in summer. ‘Lucifer’ is the most cold tolerant variety, it is reliably perennial as far north as zone 5. Other varieties are hardy in zones 6 through 10.
Plant crocosmia where they will get plenty of sunshine, but they seem tolerate of a variety of soil conditions. I have clay soil in my garden and they do quite well, and I have also seen them growing in sandy soils.
I also grow a variety called ‘Norwich Canary’ that has large, cheery yellow flowers. Planted at the front of a flower border it is a wonderful companion to plants such as lantana, gomphrena and angelonia. And I’m not the only one who enjoys the combination, hummingbirds and butterflies can always be found in this corner of the garden!