2024 Fall Tours with Lunch
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Hello Friends,
Gilbert H. Wild and I have identified some of the finest new plant varieties available for your garden today and we have spent the past year procuring and cultivating these varieties to make them available for you to add to your garden. I invite you to take advantage of these, helping you create a home that stands out from the rest.
Follow my top favorite plants and your garden will be as easy and beautiful as 1, 2, 3, DONE!
Peachy tones of the daylily ‘Sweet Tart’ with its ‘pie crust’ ruffled edge is a beautiful compliment to the native coneflower. These very different bloom forms are in contrast to the delicate blooms of Russian Sage ‘Blue Jean Baby’. All perennials and flourishing in full sun for years to come.
Do you enjoy purple and lavender tones? We do at Moss Mountain Farm. Combining blooms in our gardens from spring until fall can be challenging… even for us designers. This combination includes a daylily that is a downright ‘jaw dropper’. It’s called ‘Lavender Blue Baby’. This perennial coupled with Mexican feather grass or ‘Grass Mexi’ and a few other friends such as ‘Bishop of Dover’ Dahlia and ‘Millennium’ Allium give long tree seasonal interest… from mid-spring until fall. Check this full sun ensemble out, it is sure to satisfy.
The beauty of perennials just slays me. How about you? Designing with them is so satisfying. This is a Beebalm or Monarda we’ve had for a couple of years at Moss Mountian called ‘Bubblegum Blast’. It pairs so strikingly with ‘Just Plum Happy’ Daylily and the perennial plant of the year (2019) Sedum ‘Atlantis’. All great for full sun. Well, it’s almost Friday! I hope you are enjoying my weekly newsletter from Moss Mountain Farm, sent each Friday.
January is a time I do garden design planning and plant combinations at Moss Mountain Farm. It’s like painting with plants! As you know daylilies are amazingly easy to grow. What do you think of this one called ‘Broaden Your Horizons’? I am drawn to its color and form. When planted with contrasting textures of Fountain Grass ‘Fireworks’ and ‘Denim ‘n Lace’ Russian Sage each plant really plays off the next. A full sun perennial winning combination.
Let’s go to England! As a graduate student, I studied the principles of design at Arley Hall and applied them at Moss Mountain Farm. The great perennial flower borders are Arley’s crown jewel. Lady Ashbrook taught me much about design. She loved American natives in her perennial flower borders such as spiderwort, coneflower, and phlox. This Phlox ‘Blue Paradise’ is a great perennial addition to any garden and plays well with Daylily ‘Yellowstone’ and Shasta Daisy ‘Banana Cream’. Yellows are a perfect accent with blue/purple.
It’s simply amazing to me when I see all the gorgeous daylilies available to us today. I want them all!
This is ‘Belle Cook’ Daylily, a favorite at Moss Mountain Farm. Don’t you love the soft apricot color with lemon-colored ruffles? Beautifully planted with other full sun perennials such as Russian Sage, ‘Wild Berry’ Coneflowers, and ‘Blazing Star’ Liatris, too. This color always looks great with lavender and purple hues.
Are you a fan of red? A touch of the color red in a room or a garden will always attract the eye. This amazing performer, ‘Highland Red’ Lily, at Moss Mountain Farm is definitely an eye-catcher. Planted on the west side of the lower terrace garden the bold color plays well with other warm tones and purple. Perennials ‘Kitten Around’ Catmint and ‘Atomic Orange’ Coneflower provide good contrast of bloom shape and continuous bloom. A great full sun ensemble!
Nothing like the beauty of flowers to put me in a great mood. Are you the same? This is a great little Dahlia ’Bishop of Leicester’. I really like its dark foliage, simple daisy-like bloom and it’s good for pollinators. AND this dahlia doesn’t have to be staked like the giant ones (don’t get me wrong…love those too!) At Moss Mountain Farm we love using this bloom with Russian Sage ‘Denim and Lace’ and ‘Darling Clementine’ Coreopsis. All perennial companions!
Do recall your mother or grandmother having ‘Hens and Chicks’ in pots or strawberry jars? I do. Love them. This tough little Sempervivum is a ‘Johnny come lately’ with terrific color….it’s called ‘Hopewell’. What do you think?
I’ve loved ours at Moss Mountain Farm …a recent spin on a vintage plant!
Fragrance anyone? I’m planting lots of Hosta this year at Moss Mountain Farm and into the fragrant ones. ‘Royal Crest’ is highly scented and a vigorous plant. This is one of those Hosta that’s worth growing for its staggering blooms. Beautiful when grouped with ‘August Lights’ Astilbe and ferns….especially Japanese painted fern!! And columbines!
Hydrangeas make me happy. Same for you? What a terrific garden plant, in so many ways. ‘Ruby’ is a smooth Hydrangea that’s actually a native that’s been improved for greater flower power. Am I the only one who likes orange and pink together? I’ve found these to be beautiful with orange blooming daylilies such as ‘Primal Scream’ and Butterfly Weed (Asclepius). All perennials! And I’ve found at Moss Mountain Farm it’s best when they get morning sun and protection from hot afternoon sun…flowers last longer.
Do you love lilies? Amazing fragrance! I’m using this deeper pink oriental lily called ‘Cadenza’ in clumps like my old stargazers. I don’t know why more don’t plant these lilies as they are great perennials and good design elements among other flowers. Love them with ‘Denim ‘n Lace’ Sage and Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia!
Looking for low maintenance and high style in your garden? Perennial ‘Black Mondo Grass’ is ideal for using in creative ways, especially in shady areas of the landscape. AND …it’s DEER Resistant! Because of its beautiful dark foliage, it sets off other colors such as chartreuse foliage plants…by way of perennials…Heuchera ‘Lemon Love’ Coral Bells, Hosta ‘Munchkin Fire’ and other grasses such as ‘Ogon’.
Do you love foliage plants? My spring count down of perennials continues with coral bells (Heuchera) ‘Berry Smoothie’. It’s the delicate flowers and veining in the leaves that caught my attention. Who needs bloom with colorful foliage like this? Love this semi-shade beauty with astilbe, bleeding hearts and Japanese Painted Ferns. Great perennial combinations. I selected these for Gilbert H. Wild & Son and we love them at Moss Mountain Farm. So come see us this spring!
Are you ready for spring? Well, it’s 64 days until spring officially arrives and my head is in the flowers! One of my favorite perennials is the daylily, why? Frankly, they are SO easy, reliable and forgiving…and, beautiful. Like the best of friends! This is ‘Beachy Keen’ … don’t you love its ‘pie crust’ ruffling? And the color! Beautiful paired with other perennials such as ‘Blazing Star’ Liatris, and that striking ‘Fireworks’ Grass.
Do you like grey foliage plants? I’d love to know your thoughts on this new introduction called Senecio ‘Angel Wings’...and it is akin to ‘Dusty Miller’ (that name always sounded like a Country Western singer to me! Lol). I personally love grey, and as you may have learned these plants tend to like poor, well-drained soil. So perfect companions would be Lavender ‘Lavance Deep Purple’ and….really any purple tall bearded Iris, such as ‘His Royal Highness’ or ‘Dashing’.
Are you a warm or cool color person? Or like me, love them all?! This is Daylily ‘Bright Sunset’ and one I used this past year in the lower west terrace garden at Moss Mountain Farm. Almost 3 feet tall and slightly fragrant! Fantastic with purple and deep yellow bloomers such as ‘Eye Shadow’ Creeping Phlox and the ever so charming ‘Darling Clementine’ Coreopsis. All perennials companions. These are in the Gilbert H. Wild & Son catalog.
Are you a variegated person or not? I suppose I am and it’s all about their use in the garden. Great eye catching plants!!! This is Sedum ‘Atlantis’ a new one for me this past year. I’m combining it with purple full sun blooming perennials …LOVE purple. ‘City Lights’ Tall Bearded Iris and ‘Millennium’ Ornamental Onion should pair up nicely!