2025 Spring Tours with Lunch

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Pine Cone Bird Feeder

Making a pine cone bird feeder is really simple and it’s a project that children can enjoy participating in as well.

Materials for Pine Cone Bird Feeder

  • pine cones
  • creamy peanut butter
  • yarn, ribbon or wire
  • paper plates
  • scissors
  • butter knife
  • bird seed

How to Make a Pine Cone Bird Feeder

Cut a length of yarn or ribbon to hang the ornament.

Wrap the wire or ribbon around the pine cone near the bottom so that it catches under the “petals.”

If you are using ribbon simply tie it into a knot to create a loop. With wire you can make a hook shape similar to what you see on a Christmas tree ornament. I like to use wire because it gives me a sturdy handle to hold onto while I add the peanut butter and seeds.

Next, scoop some peanut butter onto a paper plate and pour some birdseed onto a separate plate. I use a light colored seed such as safflower because the ornament will show up better on the tree. Safflower seed will attract cardinals and chickadees. But you can use standard birdseed or a mix to attract other visitors to your garden.

Now using the butter knife pack the peanut butter between the crevices of the pine cone and then sprinkle it with seed.

I find it easier to do all the peanut butter work first, wash my hands and then follow up with adding the seeds.

Once you’ve made the cones it is time to hang them on a tree. And I always like to hang them near an existing feeder. The birds just seem to be a little more comfortable in going to their new food source. And you can also place them close to a window of the house so children can enjoy watching the birds feed.

This is a good way to spruce up your garden for the holidays and help the birds. It’s also a great way for kids to learn a few lessons about nature.