2024 Fall Tours with Lunch
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One of the most adorable chickens at the Garden Home is called the Silkie because of its fine feathers that feel and look like strands
Spring time is chick time at the Moss Mountain Farm Garden Home. This time of year the hatchery and brooders are fully populated with baby
Aylesbury ducks have an intriguing history, and they’ve been around for a long time. And at one time there were many of them. But now
I want to tell you about what’s just hatched in the incubator. A beautiful little Sebastopol gosling. Sebastopol is a breed of geese with the
If there is one thing that people know about me, it’s that I love chickens! Buff Orpingtons, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Black New Jersey Giants, I
The top dog at Moss Mountain Farm is not a dog at all but a rooster named Amos. Amos is a Buff Orpington you’ll find
My fascination with unusual chickens started at a young age. When I was nine I entered a trio of Silkie bantams in a show at
Jersey Giant is the largest breed of chicken that I raise at the farm. The hens can reach up to 10 pounds and the roosters
My first go at raising turkeys was at the age of twelve. I purchased a trio of Bronze turkeys from a local poultry show. I
Spring is the season of adorable out at the farm. This week the chicks get first prize for cuteness. They are about 4 days old